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小小感谢信 浓浓顾客情 — 来自美国的感谢信
发布者:admin     发布时间:2016-05-17 15:36:00     浏览次数:2177






 Mrs. Wendy Wen 

I wanted to take a minute or two this morning to say THANK YOU very much for a wonderful time at your bowling alley on Sunday, May 15, 2016.


The team at Collins International really had a wonderful time at your bowling establishment drinking, bowling, laughing and all around having a wonderful time. We even shot a few basketball hoops in your game area J. You have a very nice business and a quality establishment with a very professional and courteous team. We WILL be back!


I wanted to especially take a minute to thank you for Johnson Wong. He is a terrific embassador for your business. This was our second time at your bowling alley and honestly, it is people like Johnson Wong that will keep us coming back. On our first trip to your business on April 23rd, 2016, Johnson took great care of us and assisted us with every detail, from cold beverages (beer), to shoes, to computer assistance, he was always there to take care of us with a smile on his face. He was even nice enough to try and teach some new bowlers next to us the concept of lane courtesy J as he could tell that I am somewhat serious when I bowl L. On this trip, May 15, 2016, I reached out to Johnson for assistance before we arrived as I knew that you do not take reservations and our group travels about 1 hour from the area where we work and live to the bowling alley. Johnson advised us the best time to arrive so that we could for sure get two lanes side by side. We arrived and once again, even though he was very busy, Johnson took great care of us and was energetic to help whenever we needed it during our 3-4 hours at your business. Please know that you are very fortunate to have staff members like Johnson as it is the service that he and people like Johnson provides to your customers that will ensure that they have fun in your establishment and will keep them coming back.


Again, Thank you and please enjoy the pictures of our group and notice the smiles on everyone’s faces.



Thomas BeCude



我还要特别感谢王大江,他是球馆最棒的形象大使。这是我们第二次来您的球馆打保龄球,有大江这样的员工,我们还会再次光临! 4月23日我们第一次来球馆,大江一直在提供贴心的服务,从各个细节关注我们,提供酒水、鞋子、计分协助,没有一丝懈怠,始终微笑着。当他注意到我投球时看上去很严肃时,他还教旁边球道的新手们一些保龄球礼仪知识。5月17日,我们没有预定球道,我和同事们从工作居住地赶来球馆要1小时,我请大江提供协助,大江建议我们来球馆的最佳时间,确保我们能有两条相邻的球道使用。我们到球馆后,尽管大江很忙,在球馆打球的3-4小时里,他还是一如既往的提供贴心周全的服务,有求必应。您是如此幸运,拥有大江这样的员工,您的球馆有这样的员工,提供如此殷勤有礼的服务,客人一定会玩得开心,也一定能再次光临的!

Thomas BeCude






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